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Assessment & Intervention


The ultimate goal of assessment is to identify why the person engages in the challenging behaviour. Behavioural assessment involves analysis of information obtained from interviews, observation, existing reports, and written/video records. You can make a good start on assessment prior to seeing a professional by collating previous reports and keeping records about incidents of challenging behaviour. You will be provided with a written report of the assessment findings.


Intervention involves using the assessment findings to identify what strategies are most likely to reduce the challenging behaviour and keep people safe. Developing a behaviour support plan is done collaboratively with the person (where possible) and their family, carers, and decision-makers. The intervention needs to be practical, meet the person's underlying needs in more appropriate ways, and be implemented as agreed. Most change is achieved early in intervention, but for some people it takes much persistence and incremental steps to achieve significant change. You will be provided with an intervention plan so you know what to do to prevent and manage the challenging behaviour.


Not everyone wants a formal Behaviour Support Plan. Consider what option(s) suit your needs:

* Behaviour Support Plan: Combined comprehensive written assessment and intervention strategies.

* Functional Behaviour Assessment: Written report detailing what is contributing to the challenging behaviour & recommendations for broad intervention & resources.

* Preliminary Behaviour Assessment: A brief written assessment identifying some possible reasons for the challenging behaviour.

* Assessment of Behaviour Support Needs: Brief written assessment identifying the supports the person would benefit from to address the challenging behaviour (e.g., support services, allied health therapists, medical input).


Individual supports are available for people who:

* are aged 8-75

* live in Ipswich, SW Brisbane, Gatton and areas in between

* want a Positive Behaviour Support approach (and whose stakeholders are open to PBS principles)




Training is for carers, families, and anyone else who has a role in implementing an individual's behaviour support plan. Training involves coaching people in how to implement the strategies in the plan. Research shows that having a documented behaviour support plan is usually insufficient for carers to implement it. After all, to create change in the person's behaviour we are often needing to do things differently ourselves, and this change takes practice. You might elect to have information sessions, demonstrations, observations in the real setting, and/or periodic feedback at family/team meetings. 




We are approved Primary and Secondary Supervisors with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulatory Agency for the following Provisional (intern) Psychologists:

  • 4 + 2 pathway

  • 5 + 1 pathway


We are also able to provide clinical supervision or peer consultation to other practitioners who seek to deliver high quality behavioural assessment and intervention services.


Organisational Consulting


Organisational consulting is available for staff groups that need training in behaviour support matters, or for organisations that seek to embed positive behaviour support practices across their organisation. Topics for training and consultation may include:


  • Introduction to challenging behaviour

  • Introduction to intellectual disability and ASD

  • Positive behaviour support

  • Restrictive practices

  • Behavioural record keeping

  • Development of positive behaviour support plans

  • Critical incident review

  • Practice leadership in positive behaviour support



You can elect the duration of training sessions. Handouts will be provided. Knowledge assessments can be undertaken if required.

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